Thursday, June 2, 2011

"One-on-On​e Time" Can Reduce Sibling Rivalry

Video Blog:
by Rebecca & Rich Kammerer

“One-On-One with Your Child”

When we were expecting our twins, we reminisced about our own childhoods.
To be sure, we had fun “family” memories of dinners, holidays and some “regular”
events that seem special when looking back (e.g., Friday at-home family movie
night). However, we also remembered many special memories when we had one
parent’s attention all to ourselves. So before our children were born, we
committed to the idea of parent-child days/activities (ie., daddy/daughter,

With twins, we were particularly sensitive about developing each child as
an individual, getting to know them for who they are, not just for being
twins/siblings. One-on-one time fosters this relationship building between
parent and child (whether you have one child or 10).

According to child development researchers…
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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Communicating With Your Teen

Video Blog: Communicating With Your Teen
I feel like I am losing my soon-to-be teenage son. He does not talk to me anymore. He used to be my shadow. I do not know what has happened. Is there anything I can do to help bring us closer before we grow completely apart? Mark, New Hyde ParkThere are many aspects to successfully raising a teen, from building their confidence/self-esteem, to supporting their need for individuality and setting proper limits, but we will focus on “communication” to assist with your concerns.  Effective communication is critical to all…

Friday, May 13, 2011

Parents "R" Talking, Rebecca Kammerer's Patch Article-"I Have Spanked My Child"

Am I the perfect parent? No way!
Have I lost my cool while parenting? Yes!

Do I regret it? Yes!

Do I feel that I dealt with the situation in a positive light? Yes!

I truly feel that spanking is not necessary, but if dealt with appropriately
(after the fact) it can be a learning experience for all involved. Now
before you blast me, please read this article in full.

There are MANY things to try when teaching right from wrong before choosing
to spank, such as gentle instruction, redirecting (distracting) the child,
taking away a privilege or sending the child to timeout. Any of these options,
supported by a strong foundation of love and respect, is the only truly
effective way to bring about commendable behavior based on strong inner values,
instead of superficially “good” behavior based only on fear… 

Friday, April 22, 2011

P"R"T-Video Blog: How to Handle a Playground Bully

I think this is a very broad topic that takes on many layers. Let’s list all the players in a typical playground setting: Yourself, your child(ren), other children and the other parents/caregivers. Given all these facts there is a good chance that you and/or your child will have some sort of interaction with someone else. I love it when my children make a new friend on the playground and they all get along. But there are times that my child or someone else’s child will not, let's say, “play nicely.” First and foremost,…

Friday, April 15, 2011

Parents "R" Talking: Parents trying to do it all...

Video Blog: Parents trying to do it all...
External Image
by Rebecca Kammerer

Just last week, I was watching my mother-in-law read to my twins as I folded laundry and it reminded me of when I was little.

When I was 5, my sister and I would spend a few hours every afternoon at my grandmother’s house across the street. This was when my mom, who worked full-time (third shift/overnight), would do house work, cook dinner, run errands and get some sleep. Back then, even stay-at-home parents would have their relatives or older children entertain the little ones while they got things done. Nowadays, lots of people do not have extended family close by to help take care of children while their parents work.

When my children were younger, I used to feel guilty when I paid a sitter to care for them once a week. Heck, if my mom was still alive, or if I lived closer to my sister, I would certainly have their help in caring for my children. So why did I feel guilty to get that help from a wonderful sitter who has come to love my children…

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Video Blog: Toddlers Learning to Share
Parents “R” Talking will be answering parenting questions, giving parenting tips and covering other parenting topics in weekly video blogs and articles.